Thursday, February 19, 2009

49 and Holding...

Yep, today I hit 49, and so now the countdown is on to the big five-0 next year. I must admit that's a scary thought indeed. On the brighter side, however, Barack Obama has made the journey up here to Canada today to help me celebrate my birthday. In fact, here's a photo of me and Barack just taken this morning before he headed off to Ottawa for a dull discussion with our Prime Minister Harper. Oh, the other fellow in the photo is John McCain, whom you may recall lost out to Barack in the recent U.S. election. John's been kind of down in the dumps since then, so Barack graciously invited him along to join in my birthday celebration. Sorry for the photo being so small, but it was taken on John's Polaroid One Step.

By the way, I should acknowledge some other people who are celebrating their birthday today. Prince Andrew for one, who coincidentally was born on the exact same day as me in 1960. Personally I've always suspected that the cradles were switched at birth and that I should currently be enjoying a life of luxury in the British Monarchy. Ah well...

And it also happens to be the birthday of actor, Lee Marvin, who would have celebrated turning 85 this year if it weren't for the sad fact he left us a few years ago due to his celebrating maybe a little too hard all his life! But in honour of this crazy rascal, here is my caricature of Lee Marvin in his Oscar winning role as the drunken, washed up gunfighter, "Kid Shelleen", from the 1965 film, "Cat Ballou". Actually, I just watched "Cat Ballou" again a couple of nights ago so I could draw this, and it really is a fun film. Jane Fonda is just so young and pretty as the title character, and it also features a rare bigscreen appearance by one of my favourite singers, Nat King Cole, playing one of two wandering minstrels (along with Stubby Kaye) who narrate parts of the story in song.

Here is a montage of scenes that somebody had cobbled together on YouTube that pay tribute to Lee Marvin as Kid Shelleen. The shot of the drunken Shelleen leaning up against the wall astride his equally drunken horse is priceless!


  1. That's a pretty terrific Lee Marvin. I'm curious, did you ink that with a brush, or digitally?

  2. Hi Pat,
    I still use a real brush with real ink. I've never been able to figure out digital inking and I'm not sure I'd want to do it anyway, as I love the feel of a real brush on illustration board, receptive to subtle changes in hand pressure to achieve exactly the type of line I want.

  3. As always Good work and happy birthday Pete!!

  4. I only asked if you did it digitally because your brush strokes are always so so so perfect. There's never the errant flip of a hair or dab of extra ink from a jittery hand.

    As someone desperately trying to master the brush, I salute you!

  5. Well you've just given me my first proper introduction to Lee Marvin, Pete! That clips is fantastic! Oh and the caricature isn't too bad either ;)

  6. Holy crap! Happy birthday Pete! Hope all is well sir!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMSLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol Im a student of yours^^ Pink hair!!!!

  8. Happy birthday -- You can expect a few birthday ambushes!

  9. Hey Pete, Happy belated Birthday! Wish u all the best!

  10. Happy Birthday, from Boris and myself ;)

    When my dad turned 50 we got him a ribbon that said "old Fart" and made him wear it out to a restaurant. He put up a fight but lost when my mom told him to keep it on :p

    I'm sure you'll have fun with that next year ;)

  11. That picture of you with President Obama and Senator McCain is hilarious. Who says there's no bipartisanship anymore?

    By the way, wonderful Lee Marvin caricature. Two thumbs WAY up.

  12. Congrats on 49, Pete! Happy birthday!


  13. Happy Birthday again, Pete, and thanks for the incredible Kit Shalleen tribute. I grew enamored of the American West in history, novels, and films, after having spent my formative years in the high desert of northern Arizona (in Prescott). Cat Ballou made a big impression on me when I was about nine years old. The clips you posted were beautiful, what character and grit! I have a definite soft spot for old pioneers, cattle drivers, lawmen, natives, and various other rough types.

    I know you are at least somewhat interested in politics, Pete; have you ever visited the Campaign for Liberty website? this is one of my favorite websites out there, these days. C4L gives me hope in uncertain times and prepares me for the future. The link contains very interesting and sometimes extremely sobering links and discussions, interspersed with inspiring and excellent news. I hope you take a look around and feel free to let me know what you think of it if you do.

    Peace and Blessings for your 49th!
