Friday, January 21, 2011

The Look Of Quiet Desperation

This week's subject on Caricaturama Showdown is comic actor, Steve Carell. He's got such a great face for caricature and, after searching through many video clips on YouTube, I finally decided to draw him in his most familiar role as Michael Scott on The Office. Ironically, even though The Office is about five years into its run and Steve is about to leave the show, I am only just now starting to follow the series. I recently bought Season One to see what all the fuss was about, and I must say I can see why so many people like it. Steve Carell and all of the ensemble are just great.


  1. I've seen quite a few caricatures of Steve Carell before and I never could tell it was him with a name under it telling me. This however is quite excellent! Great job, Pete!

  2. see now you're gonna haveta draw Dwight. -laughs-

    This is aDORABLE. You did a great job!

  3. Steve's great. And you did a great job of caricaturing him.

  4. hahaha such a cute caricature, makes me happy he's such an idiot!

    My dad's a huge fan, he'll probably chase you down for an autograph now.

  5. Great likeness. I'm a great fan of Steve Carell and his caricature is awesome!

  6. Great Carell piece!

    I'm actually a bigger fan of the british 'Office' with Ricky Gervais. But I have caught some of the American 'Office' and it's pretty funny too.

  7. Awesome caricature. I knew who it was right away.

    If you win who will you pick to caricature next?

  8. That's a big "if", even though I'm getting some nice response. I do have someone in mind to draw next, though, but I ain't telling!

  9. Man is that funny.The look is right on the money.
    I too just started to watch the show.Its good.

  10. I love that weird little glance he gives the camera, like it's in on a joke with him, it's priceless... I have to say, your version of Carrell is truly great- it ranks up there with your James Garner and recent James MacArthur, my all-time faves, worthy of a Re-PETE! Ha! had to get that pun in there!

  11. Pete, if you liked the first season, don't hesitate buying the other sets! During Seasons 2-4, The Office was easily the best thing on television.

  12. This is my favourite TV show, no joke, and got so happy when I saw this caricature! It looks just like him!

    I also have that mug.... :D

  13. the next seasons of the office will be better, funnier, you will love them. promise!

  14. I know where i live they made a rip-off of US' The Office named La Job and then, cancelled after 1 12-episodes season.

    Nice caricature Pete. His face really smile me!
