Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oodles More Doodles

Sorry I haven't been updating more regularly. You folks must be really sick of looking at those two kids in the hair nest by now, so here's something else to peruse. The top doodle is the result of me just trying out a new flexible brush marker I picked up today. One face just led to another until the paper was well covered. I love the thick and thin variation that you can get with those things!

Just some more random head doodles. I really enjoy playing with the underlying design of a face, varying the shape, size, and relative placement of the features, creating contrasting character types.

This one is actually a bunch of heads I sketched from real people while having breakfast at Denny's. This is something I strongly recommend in order to build up a variety of facial types in your sketchbook. I also strongly recommend breakfast at Denny's, but not so often that you clog up your arteries with that country gravy!

Just stream of consciousness at work, letting my pen do whatever the ad seems to inspire it to do.

Watch out, Miss Muffet! Just tuffet out, kiddo!

Here's something I rarely ever do - draw imaginary beasties off the cuff like this. I reckon I've always gravitated to cartooning and caricaturing that which really exists, maybe because I like the discipline of using reality as a springboard, rather than just creating life from scratch. Anyway, this is a rare unguarded moment of pure, polyunsaturated whimsy, so enjoy it while it lasts.


  1. It's funny how doodling on newspaper ads can inspire cartoon joy.

  2. Very interesting doodles. What markers did you used to draw them?

  3. man, seeing your sketches remind me what its all about.. having fun drawing cartoons.

    some really nice stuff here. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Pure bliss!

    Love your art style, Mr. Emisle!

  5. Great work Pete, thanks for posting.

  6. Love the feather guy and the couple on the log...

  7. I love these, Pete. Great work! :)

    Any tips on how to sketch people in real life, including the ones on TV? I wanna improve my abilities, and I've been practicing for a long while, but a lot of my sketches still come out looking like crap, even with a brush pen.

  8. Make that TGIF instead of Denny's and I'll agree with you. :P

  9. Awesome sketches, Pete :) The fact you just utilize your surroundings and just draw on whatever you can find is great lol.

  10. do you doodle on toilet paper?

  11. What brush marker did you use for the top drawing. It's great!

  12. Do you EVER draw rough? Jesus.

  13. Lovely doodles. Especially enjoyed the beasties - real cuties they are.

  14. Wow, really nice! I like the variety of the head shapes. Most of the heads I draw are stuck in one shape :/
