Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fun With Photoshop

Have you ever noticed how much teenybopper sensation Justin Bieber looks like that poster child of the checkout aisle tabloids, Bat Boy? This interesting revelation hit me recently when I saw this caricature by John Kricfalusi of the mop-topped little knucklehead. It immediately put me in mind of Bat Boy, who I believe is currently still on his mission of helping the U.S. military hunt down Osama Bin Laden in the caves of Afghanistan. Some quick Google searches turned up photos of both parties that I have combined here to prove my theory:

I swear, they're practically twins, save for the mop-top hairdo. Of course, even that small discrepancy can be easily remedied with the help of Photoshop. So here now is my Frankensteined cobbling together of the two images, resulting in "Bat Beeb":

Pretty cute, huh? Bat Beeb is sure to have all those pre-teen girls swoonin' over him, wishing they could give his big pointy ears a loving tweak. By the way, speaking of the Bieber kid, the overrated little twerp is playing tonight at Toronto's Air Canada Centre. My readers from around here may want to avoid that area of downtown until tomorrow. You have been warned.


  1. You're right! He is Bat Boy! WWN should sue.

  2. Oh God! That was a shock to the system!

  3. Hes a demon hell-bent on destorying humanity.

  4. Creepy. Now I absolutely hate Justin Beiber and his awful hackwork singing more than ever before, and especially since he lives in Atlanta, where I live. I can't believe people take amateurism seriously now in this day and age! Even the people I know from high school like this guy and Kate Gosselin. Yuck.

    Now I wanna see you Photoshop that screwy Kardashian family. Those are even huger knuckleheads than the Beiber guy. I don't even know how they even became famous.

  5. Hey Pete, I wish I had seen your post before going to Union Station today!...all these people there to see Justin Beiber....B-r-r-r-r.... Crime against humanity.

  6. Hahaha!!! Serves him right!
    Another reason to tell my friends why he's EVIL...

  7. you should do some photoshop tutorials so you can show us how you did that

  8. Bahahaha You never cease to amuse me :) I love it. Just as much as I loved watching him getting cracked in the face with a water bottle on stage.

  9. Why are little kids obsessed with teenage boys and girls these days? What happened to the days of Spongebob and Elmo? How did this transition happen?

  10. Hey Pete it was great to run into you at the Fan expo I enjoyed our conversation. take care and the best the blog looks great I'll be sure to add you to my links.

  11. I'm new in your blog.. and I love this post! My sentiments exactly!

  12. Good God, that's horrifying!

    Love your work by the way - I was lured to your blog by your terrific post on Rockford, and I'm thrilled to be here. Keep up the great work!
