Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It's Quiz Time!!

I've been a member of the International Society of Caricature Artists (ISCA, formerly NCN) for a couple years now. One of my favourite of their online forums is the "Let's Draw" section, where we're now into a second year of celebrating famous birthdays by inviting ISCA members to post their caricature sketches of the chosen notable personality of the day. Some of the ones I've drawn have also been posted here on my blog on their actual birthday, but some others have slipped through the cracks since I had drawn them sometime after the fact. Rather than let these particular samples go unseen, I've decided to post a bunch of them here as a fun little quiz for you. They are indeed a motley crew that comprises personalities of both the present and past, some from the entertainment industry, others not - some maybe a bit obscure! So let's see how many of them you folks can recognize. No, there's no prize, but the first one to correctly identify all eight in the comments section gets bragging rights. (ISCA members are not eligible, so sit on your hands and let the others play!) Ready, set, go...


  1. the first one is Alanis Morrisette, the third one reminds me of your "reese's pieces" so i can't think of someone outside Ms. Witherspoon, the fifth is Phylis Diller, 6th is michael clarke duncan, seventh is Calista Flockhart? and those are my best guesses.

  2. Kate Hudson and Ving Rhames are the only two I think I know!

    I'm sure others are dead ringers Pete, but I'm not sure the celebrity is at all!

  3. (and yes, I'm dating myself as a youngin' by saying so)

  4. Robin Wright Penn in Forrest Gump
    Shirley Maclaine
    Kate Hudson
    Jackie Gleeson
    Phyllis Diller
    Vhing Rhames
    aaand dunno looks like Kristen Schall with different hair.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. sorry Pete, saw that ISCA members can't play....

  7. Sorry, Em, but I figure that ISCA members have seen most of them already so it wouldn't be fair.

    Alan has two correct. Hey, just six more to figure out!

  8. hello Pete i give it a try for the 2 first one:
    Carla bruni and simonne signoret
    BTW i am a big fan of your artworks.
    very inspiring.

  9. Yes! Julien has correctly identified the two lovely French ladies! Just four more to go...

  10. my guess for numero 4...Edgard Hoover

  11. #5 with crosses in her eyes has gotta be ms. Tamara Faye "Tammy" Bakker Messner

  12. #7 is Sofia Coppola, and (I hope!) Julian got J. Edgar Hoover...

  13. Carla Bruni
    Simonne Signoret
    Kate Hudson
    J Edgar Hoover
    Tammy Faye Bakker
    Ving Rhames
    Sophia Coppola
    (reminds me of Victoria Jackson)

  14. Alright, seven out of the eight have now been correctly identified:

    1) Carla Bruni
    2) Simone Signoret
    3) Kate Hudson
    4) J. Edgar Hoover
    5) Tammy Faye
    6) Ving Rhames
    7) Sofia Coppola

    So who is #8? I'll give you a hint: She has something notable in common with #3 and #7. Put on those thinking caps and try again!

  15. huh. the clues are confusing me now; i thought #8 was Chelsea

  16. I have to admit, I have no idea who anyone is, but I really love how you draw faces. Even when they aren't caricatures they're always so original and unique. I'm curious as to how you would draw identical twins, would you try and accent their differences but keep their major features relatively the same?

  17. Holly: As you know, Kate Hudson has a famous mom named Goldie Hawn. Sofia Coppola is the very talented daughter of Francis Ford Coppola. Therefore, your guess of #8 being another offspring of famous parents, Chelsea Clinton, is absolutely correct! Congratulations!!!

  18. aha! I went the wrong way with the clues and assumed the 8th was then related to movies somehow. clearly my thinking cap was on backwards, even though I recognized the face =o)
