Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sheridan College Open House 2010 (Part 2)

Here are another bunch of caricatures from the Sheridan Open House held a couple weeks ago. Mostly young kids in this batch, including these first two little cuties who are the daughters of one of the Sheridan staff. I've still got more to post but I'll do them later.


  1. these are all so wonderful. Great work, Pete

  2. Wow. These caricatures look kinda like magic. How long does it usually take for you do draw each one while also having to worry about capturing the likeness of the person you're trying to draw?

  3. These are wicked! thanks for sharing.. I love being able to compare the caricature to the person. Awesome!

  4. How are you able to be so clean on such a large sketch? These are wonderful Pete.I tryed my hand at doing live caricatures a while back
    but was tence being on the spot.
    Its a great gift you have.

  5. Wow! O.O...Those are a lot of Cartoon Portraits, and may I add, awesome too.

  6. Great likenesses. Funny and beautiful !

  7. It's amazing to me how you can capture the eyes so accurately in your style. I think if you can get that right including the placement, angle, etc. it makes for a striking likeness already. The eyes says it all I guess. Getting that likeness with the eyes is something I still have trouble with in caricatures.

  8. Roberto: I generally can draw about 7 to 9 per hour, so I guess that works out to between 5 and 10 minutes per sketch.

    Tony: If you look closely you can see light blocking in of the face before I go over it more boldly. I used a Pitt Oil Base pencil on manilla paper for these, which is not my usual method. At most events I work on an 11 x 14 Bristol pad, lightly blocking in with pencil before finishing up with a flexible bullet-tip Markette. I'm always amazed by caricature artists who can just start in right away with a marker without pre-pencilling, as I can't do that!

    Andrew: You're absolutely right regarding the eyes. If the likeness isn't there in the eyes, the rest of the features won't save it. Fortunately, I LOVE drawing eyes, especially big expressive ones on pretty girls!

  9. fantastic post! very entertaining!

  10. This is beautiful and very pretty. Keep your great work Pete.
