Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life Drawing: Charlotte

It's always interesting to draw contrasting body types, and Charlotte is very different from Heather, whom I profiled in my last post. Charlotte has a very sleek, angular body and her poses tend to be equally dynamic and angular, as opposed to the more rhythmic curves in Heather's poses. She must be double jointed as well, as her elbows can bend slightly backwards when her arms are tensed!

Charlotte's also a bit of the goth girl, with several tattoos and a lip piercing. This tends to influence me a lot when I take my more caricatured approach to the longer poses, as I really like to play up her large eyes, high cheekbones and almost "haunted" expression. She's actually a very shy, sweet natured girl, but I like to imagine her as some gothic heroine who would fit right in to a Tim Burton film!


  1. Wicked Pete. I love some of those Heather drawings! It's great to see lifedrawings in your slick style. Thanks!

  2. I love your drawings so much, keep posting the life drawings they're so inspirational!

  3. Absolutely astounding! I always look forward to your posts, no matter what they are. And the model is beautiful, I especially like the last two drawings.

    Gotta say, when I'm in an art slump, going through your blog is incredibly helpful.

  4. Beautiful drawings Pete. Too bad I can't go out and practice gesture drawing like you can. I'm way too young, and I hardly know anything about doing studies like this. I'm not even out of high school yet! These drawings are making me drool with astonishment and jealousy over how well done and appealing these are.

  5. Very Nice,Pete.

    Roberto, you don't have to go to life drawing to practice gesture drawings. You can draw clothed people at a mall or fast food restaurant.

  6. Beast, sometimes you can get away with drawing people in public places, but I found out confrontations are possible, and can get ugly; the reason I stopped doing them years ago.

    However, unlike my scribbles, Pete's stuff is great, and a delight to see. Thanks for sharing, Pete
