Thursday, October 30, 2008

Have a Happy Hallowe'en!

I thought that Hallowe'en should be properly acknowledged here in The Cartoon Cave with an appropriate caricature. Nothing too scary of course - just slightly sinister mixed in with a healthy dose of sex appeal in the shapely, sassy form of Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. I must admit, Elvira was harder to draw than I thought she'd be. My first sketch showed her face in a direct front view but, after taking a fresh look at it, I wasn't so sure I'd caught her. So I tried a three quarter view to better show off her facial features and inked that up instead. I hope this one is better!

I quite admire Elvira's alter-ego, Cassandra Peterson. She's a smart, attractive and funny lady who has created a very successful franchise out of her Elvira persona. Here is an interview with Cassandra where she explains the origin of her creation:

And here's an Elvira blooper reel that's pretty cute:

I hope you all have a safe and happy Hallowe'en!


  1. Elvira is great, and your caricature is fantastic!! Happy Hallowe'en, in my country not exists (Argentine) but some people make fancy dress party about that :D

  2. Many Thanks!She looks terrific in caricature version.How charming she'd look too if were animated,despite is hard to do.I never know about Elvira before,at first confounded with Vampira,other actress I stumbled to read there some time ago.They dress the same gothic way and were beautiful horror host.Vampira's link is:

  3. Interesting fact-

    Vampira unsuccessfully sued
    Elvira for ripping off her character.
    They are very similar, but Elvira is more ditzy and has that plunging neckline.

  4. I didn't know that but I'm not surprised that she lost the lawsuit. Very little that is created is totally original- most things are derived in some way from that which came before. Elvira owes to Vampira what Vampira herself owes to Charles Addams' Morticia.

  5. LOVE IT!
    though that should come to no surprise :P
    Happy Halloween, Pete!

  6. Hey Pete,

    Just wondering if you had a chance to check out that new TINKERBELL movie Disney just released? I just saw the commercial for it. Just wanted to know your thoughts.


  7. Fabulous work, Pete! I love Elvira and your caricature is spot on. Happy Halloween!!

  8. Fun fact, I had a crush on her when I was like 3-4 years old according to my mom.

    Not really sure how a 3-4 year old could have a crush..but .. mom says so.
