Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Sacred Asian Man"

Yes, the Dalai Lama is visiting here in Canada. And the politicians are all cozying up to him much to the chagrin of the Chinese government. Come to think of it, it seems like anybody of any importance wants a photo op with the guy. I'm not really sure why, as he's always struck me as being like somebody's likeable but bumbling uncle, not the awe-inspiring figure he's made out to be in the media. Anyway, it led me to compose this satirical little ditty, to be sung to the tune of that 60's pop hit of Johnny Rivers with the similar title:

"Sacred Asian Man"

There’s a man who lives a life serenely;
To everyone he meets, he smiles congenially;
But he's not finished yet,
‘Cause he still wants Tibet;
Odds are he’ll do Larry King tomorrow.

Sacred Asian Man,
Sacred Asian Man;
They've taken away your mountains,
But you've still got TV!

Beware of all those sneaky games they're playin';
They think you're just a naive Himalayan;
Be careful what you say,
'Til you find out what they pay;
Odds are you'll do Larry King tomorrow.

Sacred Asian Man,
Sacred Asian Man;
They've taken away your mountains,
But you've still got TV!

Appearing live with Regis Philbin one day,
Then gettin' it on with Paula Zahn the next day;
With Barbara Walters then,
It's back to CNN;
Odds are you’ll do Larry King tomorrow.

Sacred Asian Man,
Sacred Asian Man;
They've taken away your mountains,
But you've still got TV!

©Pete Emslie 2007


  1. Catchy lyrics, Pete! Sounds like something Weird Al would sing. Maybe you should copyright the lyrics & make it into a money-making single (wink, wink)! Or it could be the hit song from a new Broadway play: "Hello, Dalai!".

    I've heard a lot about the Dalai Lami in the past few weeks, but I haven't really paid much attention to it, except that the Chinese are a little peeved about it, & by the whole Congressional Gold Medal thing.

  2. He's also just been named an Honorary Canadian. So now he can hang out with Bob and Doug McKenzie drinking beer, eh?
