Saturday, August 25, 2007

Last Week's Summit Meeting

About a week or so ago, Harper, Bush and Calderon met in Montebello, Quebec to discuss important North American issues like free trade, national security, and the standardization of jelly beans. You must have read about it - it was in all the papers. What many of you are probably not aware of, however, is that another important summit meeting took place just this past Wednesday evening at Dooney's Pub on Bloor St.

Yes, it was the second gathering of a group of Toronto-area creative types, which included several illustrators, a photographer, and a filmmaker with a fascination for pubic lice. Issues that were discussed included the internet, blogging, and most importantly, how one can use all of this newfangled technology to make a quick buck. This exchange of radical thinking was helped along by the consumption of vast quantities of beer and pizza. I volunteered to take the minutes of the meeting, so I took roughly 30 minutes to record what took place by drawing the following mug shots:

PS: I'm afraid I can't be seen in the group photo posted above, because I was the one taking the picture. If you'd like to see me, you're going to have to get up from your desk, walk around behind your computer, and look back this way...


  1. As usual, your caricatures are fantastic! Such life and spirit. Yours is particularly fun Pete! Great work once again!

  2. I had NO idea you knew Paul! Small freakin' world. You really captured him in your caricature.
    If you get a chance, mind checking out some of the designs I posted up?
    In the post from Thursday or friday of this week, the drawing on the left is from around the first time I met you - wayyyyy back in fundies....4 years ago.

  3. hey pete, i remember scott caple from disney features a while back. say hi for me.

    thanks for the plug on lawson wood. asifa animation archive has even more, including some from me and a healthy dose more from mike fontanelli.

    great one on rove too!

  4. Emslie's the only one without facial hair. That's really why he's not in the picture. Apparently the Cave has running water and a shaving mirror.

  5. Hey Pete,
    It was a fun evening. Next time though, I get to draw you.

    anim8ed - it's Ravenshoe from AN. Glad to see you're alive and well. Good luck with things in Orlando.

  6. Jim - Damn right I shave this mug every morning! Keeps me looking years younger than my grizzled comrades...

  7. ah pete readin this made me smile!, lets rush and get a pint before school starts!

  8. Great picture and caricatures.

    "HI" to Scott and Paul . Haven't seen you guys for years . Hope all is well .

    -David Nethery
