Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Last Time I Saw Paris

I hear that Paris Hilton was just sprung from the Big House. She's coming home, she's done her time, - tie a yellow ribbon 'round her chihuahua's neck to let her know you still love her. But seriously folks, give the kid a break. She's had a tough time in the slammer. If you see her on the street, have a heart and spare her some change. She needs your compassion as she adjusts to life back on the outside. But if you see her in some dingy dive with the other lowlifes, knockin' a few back, just make sure she doesn't take a lunge for your car keys. That is all.

(I just added this caricature, sketched this evening while watching Paris being interviewed on Larry King. When I finished the pencil art, something seemed odd about it. Then it hit me: Paris Hilton has pale blue eyes with tiny pupils, yet on Larry King's show they were very dark. I suspect she was wearing brown contacts but I could be wrong. Anyway, I consulted some photos online and adjusted the eyes when I inked it up. Hopefully it sort of resembles the gal.)


  1. LOL Pete, this is a hilarious caricature of Paris ^^. Oh, and seeing your Walt's people post on your page, I actually bought one of the volumes of Walt's People awhile ago. Trying to get to reading it this summer. The caricatures you did look awesome =)

  2. *gasps* It's Pete!! Welcome to the blogging world :D I cant wait to see more of your work!!

    Awesome caricature of Paris, all this media attention about her jail sentence is just insane.

  3. Hello girls!

    Christina - I'll do a caricature of Emo for you, as soon as I see him being interviewed on the Larry King Show.

    Jinny - I'm looking forward to seeing the storyboards on your summer group film. I think you bunch are using your time well for furthering your skills. By the way, what do you want to read "Walt's People" for? You're supposed to do like real animation students do and just look at the pictures! :)

  4. LOL Pete~~ I love to read actually, haha it's one of my favourite past times, picture looking included of course with all the words ;). It's kinda scary, the number of books on my bookshelf have grown insanely these past couple years since college ^^

  5. Emo comes in many forms Pete, you'll know when you see it :D

  6. I don't know if I will know an Emo when I see it, Christina. Maybe I should entitle my search, "Finding Emo"!

  7. very nicely done, when i saw this picture i laughed right away!!! same with ur mike moore charicature too! very funny

  8. Apparently, Paris Hilton's eyes are brown and she wears blue contact lenses.
